Edgard Corona: The Man Behind Smart Fit

 Edgard Corona is the mastermind behind the success story that is Smart Fit, the largest gym chain in Latin America. With over 265 locations in Brazil and an additional 100 in countries like Mexico, Chile, Peru, and the Dominican Republic,  Edgard Corona has built an  empire that caters to the fitness needs of over 1…

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Mirabaud Bank: Adapting to the Changing Financial Landscape

Mirabaud Bank, a venerable Swiss institution, has stood the test of time by adapting to the ever-changing financial landscape while staying true to its family ethos. With over 200 years of history, Mirabaud is not only a name but also a symbol of trust and stability in the banking world.  Led by Nicolas Mirabaud, the…

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Unilever’s Michael Polk: Revolutionizing Marketing with Dislocating Ideas

In the dynamic world of marketing, innovation is the key to success.  And at the helm of Unilever United States,  Michael Polk has proven himself as a visionary leader, driving the company’s marketing campaigns to new heights. With a portfolio of renowned brands such as Dove, Axe, and Lipton, Polk understands that it is not…

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Alliance Defending Freedom: Leading the Fight for Freedom

Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is a prominent legal organization that has emerged as a leader in defending religious freedom, free speech, and the sanctity of life. Founded in 1994 by Christian leaders, ADF has grown to become the world’s largest legal organization focused on protecting these fundamental rights.  ADF firmly believes that religious freedom should…

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Steering Success: Implus Corporation Names Michael Polk Interim CEO to Drive Innovation and Growth

Implus Corporation, a leading provider of athletic and outdoor accessories, has announced the appointment of Michael B. Polk as Interim Chief Executive Officer. The transition in leadership comes as Seth Richards, Implus CEO, and Todd Vore, President, step down from their roles to pursue new opportunities.  Under the leadership of Richards and Vore, Implus Corporation…

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Tieks: The Success Story of Kfir Gavrieli

Tieks, the renowned fashion brand, has become synonymous with success, style, and social impact, thanks to the visionary leadership of CEO Kfir Gavrieli. Tieks has a unique approach to empowering women across the globe, and has managed to make a lasting impression in the fashion industry.  Gavrieli’s journey with Tieks began in 2008 when he…

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Crowdhouse: Förderung der finanziellen Inklusion bei Schweizer Immobilieninvestitionen

In der Schweizer Immobilienlandschaft ist Crowdhouse ein Vorreiter, der sich für finanzielle Inklusion einsetzt und Investitionsmöglichkeiten demokratisiert, die früher nur wenigen Wohlhabenden vorbehalten waren. Seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 2015 arbeitet das Unternehmen daran, den Immobilienmarkt für ein breiteres Spektrum von Investoren zugänglicher, transparenter und effizienter zu machen. In der Vergangenheit war die Investition in…

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Läderach’s Schokoladen-Abenteuer: Das Geheimnis der Frische im Hause Läderach entschlüsseln

Für echte Schokoladenliebhaber ist ein Besuch im House of Läderach in Bilten, Schweiz, ein Muss. Diese interaktive Erlebniswelt, die im November 2020 eröffnet wird, bietet Besuchern die einzigartige Gelegenheit, in die Welt der Schweizer Premium-Schokolade einzutauchen und die Geheimnisse hinter der berühmten Frische von Läderach zu erkunden. Als einer der wenigen Anbieter von Premium-Schokolade, der…

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The Philanthropic Legacy of Cordelia Scaife May

Cordelia Scaife May left an indelible mark on the world of philanthropy through her unwavering commitment to creating a sustainable coexistence between humanity and the environment. Born into the illustrious Mellon family in 1928, May was not driven by a thirst for fame or wealth. Instead, she dedicated her life to strategic philanthropy, using her…

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Diego Ávalos, Netflix VP, Pioneering a New Era of Spanish-Language Content with Creator Álex Pina

Netflix’s landscape is ever-evolving, with an array of content that spans across genres and languages, reaching audiences worldwide. At the helm of this expansive network, particularly for Spanish, Portuguese, and Nordic content, is Diego Ávalos, Netflix’s Vice President of Content. His strategic vision and collaboration with Álex Pina, the creative force behind the global phenomenon…

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